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SCF Strategies is helping the world's organizations address their most significant challenges and requirements for world-class Supply Chain Finance results. We provide consulting services for corporates, financial institutions, Fintechs and any company interested to enter into the Supply Chain Finance market or already offering such solutions.



Corporate Clients


We are part of your team

We support our clients with dedicated advisory and enablement services at any stage of their Supply Chain Finance journey.


  • At the onset and early stages, we assess the market opportunity, create a detailed go-to-market strategy and help with the technology platform and partner selection.



  • Finally, we help with the critical supplier onboarding, the accounting treatment and provide an audit of your Supply Chain Finance solution.


Throughout our client’s journey, we provide training, workshops and research data on all key areas of Supply Chain Finance. We are hands-on and work as part of your team during the entire project assignment.


Banks, Corporate Clients and Fintechs

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For several years, we've been working with the world's leading financial institutions as part of their team. We help banks and alternative financiers assess the market opportunity, size, and competitive advantage, their existing offering, and technology platform.


We also provide specific workshops and train your sales and operations teams on how to generate new clients as well as implement and manage a successful Supplier Finance program.


We are part of your team and our approach is to co-create and empower management ensuring that sustained results are achieved over time.


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Corporate Clients


We help corporate clients to use Supply Chain Finance as a strategic weapon that will sustain their competitive advantage. If you are interested in implementing a Supply Chain Finance solution or looking to revise and improve your existing program results, we can help you.


We have worked with over 100 companies, which were in your same situation and had similar questions. You can leverage our expertise to assess your opportunity,  select the right platform partner, design your Supply Chain Finance program, select the right suppliers to achieve your goals, analyze your supplier profiles and bring them onboard.


We work hand in hand with your treasury and procurement teams and train them to empower your organization with the right expertise and tools for your Supply Chain Finance initiative.


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Our team has unique, inside knowledge and understanding of the Fintech sectors as being part of several leading Fintech service and technology providers. We can help your team analyze the market opportunity, competitors, and create a business case for Supply Chain Finance.


Presenting it internally Our analysis results allow you the buy-in from your management and serves as a basis for your investment decision to enter into the Supply Chain Finance sector.


If you have an existing technology platform we can audit your solution, its features, functions and compare it to your competitors. Equally important, we help review your services around implementation and ongoing management of the Supply Chain Finance program.

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